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Online accountability via randomly captured screenshots.
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#1 Protection from Porn
How Truple works:

1. Screenshots are captured

Truple captures screenshots at random. The randomness makes it impossible to predict when one will be captured. Our AI algorithm scans the screenshots for sexual content, flagging any that it finds.
* Not available on iOS

2. Websites are tracked

Truple records websites as they're visited. Pornographic sites are flagged, and can optionally trigger alerts.
* Limited availability, see the features page for supported platforms

3. Screen time recorded

Truple monitors screen time, and breaks down how the device is being used on an app by app and hour by hour basis, making it easy to identify when and how adult content is accessed.
* Limited availability, see the features page for supported platforms

4. Reports sent

Review reports to ensure pornography and other harmful content isn't being viewed. If a problem is found, you can course correct quickly before lasting harm is done.
Why Truple works so well:
(there's a lot of reasons!)
  1. Truple removes secrecy, which encourages good decision making and cripples temptation.
  2. Kids want freedom. Truple gives them freedom, while empowering parents with the knowledge to discern if such freedom is being used responsibly.
  3. Harmful content is found everywhere, even on "innocent" platforms like social media. Truple closes these loopholes by monitoring based on what's being viewed, not where the content was loaded from.
  4. Common loopholes like VPNs, proxies, and direct ip addresses simply don't work.
  5. Web filters judge what is and isn't okay. They never do a perfect job, and regularly make mistakes. When a mistake is made, your child suffers and you might not find out until after years of harm. With Truple, content is flagged to aid you as a parent, but you decide what's okay for your child to view.
Security features

Configurable Privacy

Grant your child privacy as they mature, by enabling text redaction or image blurring.

End-to-end Encryption

Truple's end-to-end encryption ensures you (and only you) control access to your child's reports.

Truple works on desktops, laptops, and mobile.

Protection for all the devices in your home.

Android 7+

Windows 7-11

Mac OS

Chrome OS


Kindle Fire
* Not all features supported across all platforms. Review the features page for more info.
Annual Plan
$13.33  / month
billed $160 / year
Monthly Plan
$16.00  / month
billed monthly
Monitoring for all devices within a single family household.
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30 day money back guarantee
The best app for family accountability
- Miranda S
This app is better than any other accountability app out there
- Matthew U

Protection for the entire family

With Truple, you can virtually "peek" over your child's shoulder & course-correct as needed.
No other app provides complete protection from all dangers on the internet.
  • pornography
  • sexting
  • excessive screen time
  • interest in self harm (suicidal) content
  • cyber-bullying
  • sites that try to steal your information
  • grooming by human traffickers
  • violence
  • mature video games
64% of young people ages 13-24 actively seek out pornography weekly
0 h
Teens average 9 hours of screen time each day
93% of boys, and 62% of girls encounter internet pornography during adolescence.
40% of all teens have sexted
15% of high school students are bullied each year
* Due to constraints imposed by Apple, we are not able to offer our comprehensive parenting solution on iPhones... in fact, no one can. We strongly recommend you get your child an android device so you can better parent them online.